
High functioning teams white paper

The global pandemic has redefined how we think about work and life

COVID-19 has been a long-awaited catalyst in changing the way we think about our workplaces, namely, both how and where we want to work. The great ‘working from home’ experiment has largely been a roaring success.

“A recent US survey found only 2% of respondents wanted to return to full time in the office, and our clients are all resuming a partially distributed workforce.”

The need for teams who can work apart, yet be as connected as ever, has never been more important. Engagement, trust and self-direction are crucial, so how do we cultivate this?

We wrote this paper to explore how individuals and teams can navigate these new ways of working and emerge stronger than ever. In this paper, we outline four burning platforms that we can use to surface and address the challenges we face in a working world redefined by COVID-19.

Adaptive Leaders Workbook

How can we adapt and grow to improve our leadership impact

Moving into a leadership position requires you to shift from being an individual producer to a people leader. That means you're now responsible for bringing out the best in others and maximising the collective intelligence of your team, as you are for generating revenue.

"Any leadership will tell you making this transition is about cultivating who you are, not perfecting what you do."

You have the technical skills and knowledge to be great at your job.

Becoming an exceptional leader is an adaptive challenge; meaning you must change to be the best leader you can be.

Video series

How to build great teams

Great teams don’t happen by accident; there’s intention behind how they’re built. We believe there are four layers to building great teams: (1) self-leadership; (2) how you are to others; (3) how we work together and, finally, (4) how we make decisions.

Cultivating who you are

At the heart of building great teams is cultivating who you are as an individual. By examining the neuroscience behind how our minds work, we can then work with this understanding and guide ourselves towards better outcomes.

The importance of mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool in the art of self-leadership. By paying attention to our thoughts, feelings and sensations in any given moment, we build the capacity for two important things: the power of introspection, and an ability to calm and down-regulate our systems.

Operating above and below the line

In cultivating self-leadership, there’s no better tool than understanding where we are in relation to the ‘line’. When we’re below the line we’re defensive, threatened and hell-bent on being right. Conversely, when we’re operating above the line, we become curious and we’re in a state of play – in short, we have access to our ‘best selves’.

Unpacking the drama triangle

Unpacking the ‘drama triangle’ is a powerful way to understand when we’re going above or below the line. We’re all prone to drama, and each drama we play within contains three characters: victim, villain and hero. By asking ourselves where we sit in any given drama, we also ask ourselves: what are we willing to shift in order to achieve a better outcome?

What is and what if

So much of our own suffering is caught up in the regret of the past, or fear of the future. Yet all we have in any moment is ‘now’, and so much of our fear and anxiety can dissolve by connecting with ‘what is’. This concept allows us to connect with where we are situated in any moment– what is right now, what is this present moment, and what can we control?

Professional intimacy

One of the key principles we teach is how we value others, or ‘professional intimacy’. It’s a combination of empathy, and ‘revealing’, or in other words, sharing a bit of ourselves to make a connection. It can be a messy and daunting prospect in a workplace setting – yet one that can be so powerful at fostering connection within the team environment.

Share and discover

The concept of ‘share and discover’ is based on the work of Judith Glasser, and the art of conversational intelligence. This works proposes that there are three levels of conversation that occur in a workplace: (1) a base, or transactional level; a positional level, where we try to impose our authority and (3) a transformational level, where we share and discover new ideas and ways of doing things together.

Open and curious

The constant pace of modern workplaces does not always leave the time and space to be open and curious to new ideas. In this video, we explore three helpful tools that can help shift our mindset, encouraging us to be more open, curious and challenging, and create a more enriched and rewarding workplace.

People who are different

Workplace conflict often arises when we work closely with people who have different personality styles. When we become aware of how we are appearing – or ‘showing up’ – for people who are different to us (hint: it may not be the way you see yourself), we start to understand how our personality may be perceived by others, and can make the tweaks required to form a stronger connection with those around us.

Adapt and Grow

Arguably the most important trait of the 21st century, adapting and growing is a spirit of continuous and iterative learning. We explore a set of disciplines that can be crafted over time, creating an agile mindset that allows us to continually learn, adapt and grow, through the evolving world around us, and the workplaces we shape.

Do you want to reinvigorate your team when we can all get back into a room together?

Talk to us about a bespoke post-lockdown workshop for your team.