January 27, 2021

When the situation needs more than best intentions

When the situation needs more than best intentions

In my last blog post I talked about the power of intentions to guide behaviour. I shared my intention for 2021 is to manage my energy levels, particularly the extent of the peaks and troughs. While good intentions can be a powerful compass, sometimes I need to be a bit more directive with myself. And now is one of those times!

That’s why I’m committing to a February reset. No booze, healthy eating, daily meditation, regular exercise. The last three commitments happen anyway when I’m in the rhythm of life (ie not on holidays). It’s the first that’s the hardest for me. And it’s definitely linked to the earlier intention.

I use alcohol to decompress from the week on the weekends and by the time the end of the year rolls around, I use it daily to to decompress from the year. Clearing the slate for the month of February sets me up for the year. Sharing that commitment with all of you helps me stick to it.

Do you have anything you need to reset? Feel free to share it with me if declaring it out loud will help!

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